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Meet the New President
Dear Neighbor: July 2023
I’m Denise Godfrey and I am the newly elected President of The Plains Community League. My husband, Michael, and I have been traveling the world for 41 years together. We have three amazing grown daughters, two terrific sons-in-law, five adorable grandchildren, and three Shetland sheepdogs: Jeter, Yogi, and Munson.
As a military family, volunteering is a huge part of who we are. So, when we moved into our 20th house in The Plains after my husband’s 38-year career in The United States Army ended, we immediately noticed a sense of community and volunteerism.
In all honesty, I tried to lay low and not get involved in the community because we were so new to the town, and I just wanted people to get to know me first. I have found, over my many moves to new communities, that people need to trust your intentions and what motivates you. Enter my next-door neighbor, Ellen…who convinced me to join the Community League shortly after we arrived.
It is so wonderful to be a part of a group that truly believes in helping their neighbors and fostering community in our lovely town. We meet every first Thursday of the month in The John Page Turner House on Main Street and our meeting is open to everyone in the community at 7:00 pm. We are a non-profit with only one paid (FABULOUS) director, Erica. Everything on the following list happens because of our fearless director and dedicated volunteers past and present.
What these volunteers actually do for and with the community is amazing. I hope to live up to every volunteer who has come before me in making The Plains Community League a little better as every previous president has done and I hope our neighbors take advantage of all that we have to offer and add to it! Thanks to our small town businesses and private community donors, we are able to financially support so many opportunities. However, it takes “boots on the ground” in the form of VOLUNTEERS to execute all of the following FREE opportunities for residents here in The Plains:
After school tutoring for students
Scholarships for higher education
Summer camp for workforce children (New this year)
Holiday Parties for Christmas & Easter including photos with Santa and The Bunny
Thanksgiving Meals for our Neighbors in need
Back-To-School filled backpacks for students
Streets lined with Luminaries on Christmas Eve
A Day in The Plains with free games, carriage rides, music, and food as a way to bring our community together
Flags, poles, brackets placed throughout our town for U.S. Holidays
Use and rental opportunities for gatherings and classes at the John Page Turner House
Scarecrow competition throughout the town
Partnering with Peas and Grace food pantry
Checking in on homebound neighbors
We are committed to serving the whole community, and that includes you. I urge you to consider joining us as a volunteer or donor. We need you and your neighbors need you.
I am so happy to be a part of TPCL and a small part of the amazing town of Neighbors who truly help Neighbors every day. I look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood. Come and visit me at my 20th and last house on Fauquier Avenue in The Plains, “The Pink Dogwood”.
Denise Godfrey