December finds us celebrating with family, friends and neighbors. Thank you to the volunteers that helped prepare luminaries for their December 24th appearance. The luminaries will be placed along the main roads into and through The Plains. We always need help setting them out, lighting them and then gathering the spent luminaries early Christmas morning. You can email us at to let us know you want to help!
On Saturday December 16th, 2023 from 11:00-1:00 Santa is coming to The Plains Community League to visit. Shenandoah Carriage Company is bringing a horse drawn wagon and there will be gifts, crafts and snacks.

On Friday December 22nd Fauquier County Public schools will be closed for the winter holidays, but The Plains Community League will be open and hosting a Parents' Day Out from 9:00 to 2:00. This is a free event, but children must be registered in advance to save a spot!
