Free virtual tutoring
Due to COVID-19, The Plains Community League (TPCL) has temporarily suspended its Tuesday and Thursday in person tutoring sessions, and will instead be offering free, virtual tutoring for 3nd to 12th grade students in most subjects for the 2020-2021 school year.
Registration for tutoring is managed by TPCL’s Program Coordinator, Beth Lucas, who can be reached at: or 540-253-2119.
Each enrolled student may request up to four, one-hour sessions per week with tutors, depending on the availability of our volunteers.
Free use of the John Page Turner Community House for schoolwork
TPCL is currently investigating ways to serve the community by providing safe spots for Internet access during the day. Our plan will be announced on our webpage and Facebook page, as well as through the schools.
The Community League is here for you. We hope some parents will step forward to assist in this effort. We value our Volunteers!