All of the tutors miss seeing, working and having fun with you on our Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have been trying to think of a way we can stay in touch and share your individual talents in a fun project together.
The Tutoring Program would like to produce our own magazine. We’ll fill it with pictures, stories, cartoons, poetry, book reviews, original riddles, cooking recipes, hobbies and just about anything else you can think of. This magazine will be a kind of “Covid Time Capsule”. You can include things like: How are you feeling? What are you most thankful for? What special occasions have you celebrated? Have you changed the way you celebrate events? What is your new found inside family activity? What are you doing to feel connected? What have you learnt from this experience?
I would like to call our magazine INSIDE OUT. Although we are living at this moment when everything has been turned “inside out” and in a state of disarray, there are two other ways to look at it all. For instance, if someone knows a subject “inside and out”, that means he is an “expert” on that subject. Also, all creative thinking comes from the “inside” of our brains and heads “out” into the real world! We have unlimited creative thoughts and images to put out there.
Please feel free to call me (Roberta) at 202-549-2461 anytime to talk about what you are working on or to ask questions. Once we have enough submissions, I will go to Piedmont Press in Warrenton to have our magazine published. Each of you will get several copies. We can keep publishing additional magazines if you are interested! It will be awesome!
Let’s create something wonderful and memorable together. Once you write, draw or create something, you can either mail it or email it to me, or drop it off at the Community Center (we will have a special box on the porch).
In the meantime, we send you and your families all of our cheer and good wishes.
Roberta Jeffries
PO Box 270
The Plains, VA 20198